The Promised Word Has Come That We MAY HAVE LIFE

1 year ago

If you remember and trust Gods Living Word, Jesus - then you will have faith in what He says and not doubt. One of the most memorable is a solemn admonition and reminder that, "The thief COMES ONLY to steal, kill, and to destroy: I HAVE COME THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE, AND THAT THEY (YOU) MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY (to the FULL, till it OVERFLOWS)." (John 10:10)

These are NEITHER the days where we are to focus on what the "thief" does, BUT TOTALLY TRUST IN WHAT GOD SAYS! As Jesus reminded Jairus' as people around him were speaking "death" and "defeat" and "mocking" Jesus..Jesus says to Jairus as He does to we who HAVE FAITH IN HIM:
"BE NOT AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE." (Mark 5:36; Luke 8:50)

Take courage..Gods words have NEVER and shall NEVER EVER return to Him "void".. ALL HIS PROMISES ARE "YES" AND "AMEN" IN CHRIST (His Anointed One & His Anointing)! (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Amen & Shalom

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