diet pills wrecked her life

1 year ago

Diet pills, suicide, mental health, brain injury and involuntary movements. Roadz Of Life explores some of the more difficult sides of life. Sharing our stories and struggles can also encourage others to reach out about how they are feeling too. Beautiful, artistic, raw, down to earth, sometimes funny, outside the box film making. Roadz Of Life Jump starts your feelings and thoughts. These are complex topics.

She shares her experience, first taking slimming tablets age 17, how it drastically affected her quality of life to the point of attempted suicide and being placed in an asylum. The pills had a form of amphetamines in them. At the time of speaking with her she was now in her 60's. It is hard to fathom such large amounts of time in ones life being so drastically altered by what must have seemed at the time such a minor decision. She now suffers involuntary movements that she feels are embarrassing. During my own recovery process I spoke with this elderly woman on camera. I can relate to her story, we discussed openly the suffering we had both faced.

Footage taken from full length Documentary Roadz Of Life
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