For new and old guard truth seekers. Listen don't watch.

10 months ago

Per usual, no glammer, no props nor green screen, just an old truther speaking from his experience and understanding of the Conspiracy ruse and post life ruse.
The truth is within you, I just attempt to drag it out and save you ten years chasing and following influencers and pissed-on-breadcrumbs. (Cheers for that Matt)
What I claim may seem far fetched but I only speak of possibilities not truths, how can I, It's my 1st ride too apparently.
So once more, let's peek outside the box, escape the box factory and go off the reservation in our journey, why not. The reality we knew is no more and the future is an eternity loop in limbo. (Just saying)
Underestimate nobody and nothing rumoured.

Much L❤ve


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