Transducer Transformer Device

1 year ago

Good day folks, Here in my next line of experiments, I would like to experiment more with magnetic potentials, Back to Maxwell's Magnetic potentials, I'd like a system that works more like "Magtronics" VS traditional electronics, And keep the electronic system right at the end of the game so that by then all our gains are so great on the magnetic end, The traditional loss of the last stage of converting back to traditional power are little to worry about.

Few things to consider, If we work as much as we can on the magtronic side of the circuits we can manipulate the H fields thanks to the core and basic electromagnetics, By building these "circuit" versions of magnetic loops we are not subject to impedance losses in a form of tradigital heat for starters.

With magtronics you have to same mechanisms as with electronics with the equivalent systems acting like conduits, inductors capacitors and even "magnetic" resistors,

But with Magtronics Everything works backwards. The negative energy spike drives it perfect, But a normal AC or DC pulse will "see" the device as a "Short"

Core stuff becomes the H field conducit, Core loops become H inducers etc...

Wrap this core stuff around a ferrite loop in line with the main core and instead of an electromagnet you got yourself something like an electro-electret. Where the ferrite core will attract small paper pieces cardboard and foam very much like a charged balloon.

Think of the possibilities of this on its own! Never mind trying to build complicated high voltage electrets when you can make an Electro-electet instead. Precise control, Introduce a stream of concentrated ions near this electret field, You can call it something like a "P" field and you got yourself a recipe not only for free energy but anti gravity projects, I'm obviously not there yet, It's a work in progress.

Another idea. Can we modulate this "P" field? A new magnetic kind of RF equivalent to communications? Many questions ahead.

Today I demonstrate how the device can create H field potential differences against its own core and emf field and how the device transduces those H differences back into a E field that the meter can read..A cap dump could charge etc....

As always looking forwards to your feedback.

The next step could be to use this as an electron sucker and use two distant ground point between the back emf dump and core connection.

Magnetic coupling seems to be a way to work around traditional losses when working only with H fields, But the whole circuitry and effects work in complete reverse as in traditional electronic circuits and effects, It hurts my brain.

By modifying the duty cycle to around 4% This device climbs near 1kv, I could use this to dump a cap at high voltage to ground point A and couple the core to ground point B, And have that high potential dump energize the ground loop for a magnetic action.


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