Loser in the ruse until reality proves.

1 year ago

Yup, my daughter, bless her, believes me such a loser and to be honest I am, but only as I refuse to play the game.
I cannot deny reality nor pretend to be blind, I am sorry Eva.
For all of the angry, frustrated, confused, betrayed!!
It's a bastard yes but now you see it, learn from it and build your armour from the sticks and stones, strengthen your shield by recognising ruses and rousers and ready your sword to do battle for your very souls survival and freedom, to become and eventually find your way back to you and BE.

If this awakening within you has brought you this far, stay a while, forgive the lack of self care and CrappoCrappo Production value, hear the words that your soul recognises and heal by seeing truths that free yourself from the illusions you accept. To walk in truth is a dangerous path because along the journey the given self will attempt to divert you or destroy your will.
All the while the outer influences attempt to convert and convince you to take a side road, and allow them to navigate.

If 'owt makes sense, crackin'.

Much L❤ve


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