What Do You Work For?

1 year ago

The answer is really not complicated, it's not rocket science. It's really that, with everything that I've been through, nothing else would bring me more joy than to spend most of my time with my son and make sure he is well taken care of. Yes, I need to work, I need to feed him, clothe him, shelter him, and sometimes, spoil him. This is why I work without the pressure of working so hard to earn a living, while still able to do all these for my son.

We're different. We define what's important in our lives according to what will bring us most joy. For me, it just happens to be my son. No amount of executive positions or accolades at work, or financial compensation can even come close to that bliss. I work hard, really hard. I just work hard on something that matters more to me.

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Tags: #singlemomlife #lifeisbeautiful #childrenareblessings #blessed #grateful #familyisforever #hardwork #careerchoice

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