15Nov23 full show

1 year ago

(3:39) New House Speaker doesn't think borders are worth fighting for (except maybe next year as an election gimmick)
(8:57) Trump tells evangelicals "God created two genders, male and female".  But Trump has two faces — one of them is a mask he wears for evangelicals who think it's really who he is
(18:00) WATCH the FIREWORKS! Congressional members are literally fighting - each other.  WATCH back-stabbing, back-jabbing McCarthy jabs Congressman Burkett in the back in front of reporters and a Senator challenges Teamster CEO to fight right now, right here. 
(34:50) More data leaks.  This time from a small nation where the jabs doubled the death rate.  Even Chuck Norris is on board now — they better watch out.  WATCH members of an globalist elite family (father co-founded WEF with Schwab) are dying from the jab and speaking out
(55:15) WHO Members Raped Women During the "Ebola Epidemic" — UN Gives the Victims $250 Did they not believe there was an Ebola epidemic?  Were they so sexually depraved that they didn't care?  And why is WHO not punishing any of them and only giving victims $250?

(1:05:20) FBI will not say Nashville school shooting killer's manifesto is a hate crime ("wanna kill all you little crackers…with your white privlages (sic)"

(1:18:43) Washington DC (the Depravity of Corruption).  The raunchy FDIC workplace, like Steven Crowder's studio, and a massive prostitution ring, a honey-pot for state "secrets"

(1:23:37) LA is a Literal Dumpster Fire — Govt Wants to Compel Hotels to House Homeless LA is a literal dumpster fire — and the fire that closed down the freeway, fueled by massive quantities of unused HAND SANITIZER from the pandemic scare!  What will happen if the government gets its way and compels hotels to rent vacant rooms to the homeless?

(1:37:41) The Push for Use of DNA as Biometric ID — and how it fits in UN, WEF, and Gates digital control plan

(1:54:08) Two more cities in the Netherlands get onboard with meat and dairy bans — banning ANY advertising of meat or dairy

(2:03:40) WATCH the global group of cities, C40, praise "15 Minute Cities" as the paradise ushered in by lockdowns. 

(2:25:48) ADL and Greenblatt get hoisted by their own petard in US universities.  If it's "Not OK to be white" (and ADL said that was racist to say), is it "OK to be Jewish"?  Free Speech is losing to TOTALITARIANISM in US universities, Israel, Russia, Australia.  

(2:52:39) Journalists who work for AP, Reuters, NYT, etc were embedded with Hamas terrorists on Oct 7.  So everyone BUT Netanyahu knew?  It recalls an ethics discussion at the Columbia University School of Journalism about a hypothetical situation of a journalist embedded with Viet Cong who realizes they are about to ambush Americans — what do you do?

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