My favorite roving journalist, "Richard Citizen Journalist" (of Telegram)

1 year ago

Before becoming a roving citizen journalist (and homeless, himself, as far as I can tell), Richard was a medic in the US Army. Here, he uses some of his medic knowledge to treat a homeless guy so his wound can heal and not get dangerously infected. After that, he helps another homeless guy who has a problem with his leg. After the second guy, he helps a 3rd guy, who is hungry and who mentions that he had spent some time (FORTY YEARS!) in prison (which perhaps helps explain why he is homeless) ... then, while Richard lets the homeless watch his car, Richard walks over to talk with and offer help to a homeless woman. And there's more, after that, but you get the idea of what this video is about. Jesus is Lord. As New Testament Scripture says, we are in the world, but not of the world.

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