J. Christian Adams: Nobody’s disputing that PennDOT was allowing foreigners to register to vote

1 year ago

PILF President, J. Christian Adams joined The John Stiegerwald show to discuss our lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Secretary of State for refusing to disclose records relating to an error at PennDOT that allowed foreign nationals to register to vote for two decades. PILF won this case in summary judgment, but the Commonwealth has appealed the ruling. You can learn more here: https://publicinterestlegal.org/press/doj-files-legal-brief-supporting-pilfs-right-to-obtain-pennsylvania-records-relating-to-voter-registration-by-foreign-nationals/

Adams also discusses the 2023 elections, reforms that should be instituted before the 2024 elections, and PILF's fight to restore the day in Election Day.

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