11/16/23 The Dynamic Duo "Rampage of the Southern King?" part 4 S3E15p4

10 months ago

11/16/23 The Dynamic Duo "Rampage of the Southern King?" part 4
As we conclude our study of Daniel 11 today (until next time, anyway), we draw on Tuesday’s study about the way the kings do battle to identify how those kings are manifesting in our world right now. We seek to gain a perspective that will help us see the movements of the divine world in the current events around us; and in the process, learn what it all means spiritually as time draws nearer to Christ’s return. Keep those Prophecy Hats on for one more day, friends, for today’s show called “The Dynamic Duo.”

For our fifteenth episode of Season Three, we again study Daniel chapter 11, with respect to the results of Election Day 2023.

Season 3 Episode 15
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