100 Watts Free Energy

11 months ago

I fixed up my 9 volts dc 60 ma radiant trigger back emf and 100 volts cap charge and dump circuit controller and generator by taking away much of the high impedance test lead clips and replaced with short thick wires. Especially for the back emf coil and cap dump stage. In a previous video. A more sloppy version of this I was able to run and maintain a 15-20 watt load from the charging battery without the v/i curve going down, It was going up!

With this improved setup, I'm now able to do the same thing with holding a real 100 watts load on the battery while charging it with the radiant cap dump device at the same time . Heavy emphasis the whole input stage only needing 9 volts dc 60ma from a wall transformer power supply. This is our small input trigger requirement. That is it. The rest of the energy as Bedini would say comes from the Vacuum or Negative Energy. The battery reacts to these steady high voltages discharges and transduces this pulse into real steady current of 100s of watts while maintaining a v/i curve or charging curve instead of a decline curve as one would expect from a 100 watt load. A kind of negative resistor.

This video is a little longer, Its about 15 mins. I wanted to show you start to finish what goes on, Very similar to the "kromrey generator" At first start the battery shows a slight voltage drop, after 2 minutes the v/i curve stabilizes and soon starts to raise steady as long as the battery keeps getting that high voltage cap dump pulse 2 times a second all while maintaining a 100 watt load. I can hear a kind of boil sound when I put my ear next to the battery so it must be doing something! This setup holds the big 100 watt load without the v/i curve going down, after about 15 min run time in this video, you really see the increase of voltage by many points in comparison to the start of this demonstration as the v/i curve goes (charges) up. Sorry for the length. It takes this much time to show you without editing the video what is happening with the v/i curve. It runs the opposite! This is an awesome COP value. 9 volts 60ma input and 110 volts 100 watts 60 hertz output.


Please Help Support My Research: https://youtu.be/pYXETBB40j0

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