High Efficiency Lamp Driver Back EMF Version

1 year ago

After some criticism over some of my reactive circuits, I quickly put together this working demonstration that we can do the same thing via other methods, its all about limiting the current to its lowest value we need so we don't have to pay much. the previous x reactance method was just one of the many.

Here I use a low voltage square wave generator that operates at around 5 volts. This triggers a base resistor of NPN transistor to switch my 9 volts battery into a home built 1.9 ohm air core coil, quicky wounded with telephone cable. About 300 feet of it.

We feed the high voltage backEMF with the help of diodes Bedini style and quickly charge a 10uf cap to 100 volts with very little current thanks to the sharp low 10% duty cycle holding back much of the current from leaving that 9 volt battery but in return produce loads of back emf for quick charging and discharging of 10uf capacitor at 100 volts thanks to the SCR neon capacitor dump. We store this charge into a set of 12 volt supercapacitors this gives us steady dc in return enough to run that little high frequency inverter and drive the lamp just fine at its full lumens normally needing 15 watts at 60 hertz AC! It's clear here this little 9 volts can't produce "15" watts on it's own without the help of some additional systems, pulsing, electrets, super caps, high frequency etc... thanks to running the circuit mostly as an open loop.

It's a more complicated circuit but it further proves the concept. What you can do with very little current if you know how to utilize it.


Please Help Support My Research: https://youtu.be/pYXETBB40j0

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