Free Energy From The Vacuum

1 year ago

Here I show you how to build a "free" energy device. We can't get free energy for nothing. No free lunch. So we provide a trigger at low cost by using a Zamboni cell made with paper and conductive paint. About 1200 cells are stacked to get a near zero current 1kv+ DC voltage.

A bunch of these cells are built and they dump a charge into a spark gap assembly. This charges a high voltage capacitor quickly. When the spark gap number 2, high voltage break the air gap, This discharges real amps a second or joule radiant energy into a pulsing Tesla coil high impedance side.

The Tesla transformer steps down this high voltage spike to around 24 volts This sharp radiant discharge will charge your 12 volt batteries for free. Pulse charge. Bedini style.

Thanks Tom Bearden for the inspiration for this idea!

The Zamboni cells can provide zero current trigger power for over 300 years.


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