1 year ago

▶️ Our motionless, level Earth is covered in a type of Sky Ice dome, it's exact composition is being studied, in the region called Antarctica. The following story (Audio) was originally posted online in 2017 by, Anonymous.

Spoiler Alert - 😉 A Liquid Oxygen Primer: Liquid O2 is slightly denser than water in a liquid state, liquid O2 has a density of precisely 1.141 g/cm3. At it's freezing point of 54.36 K (−361.82 °F or −218.79 °C), it becomes a solid. Hmmm, thinking ... 🤔 see Phase Transition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_t... Furthermore, liquified oxygen is paramagnetic, a special type of magnetism. Paramagnetic materials such as liquid oxygen, become weakly attracted to an external magnetic field, and form internal, induced magnetic fields in the direction of the applied magnetic field ❗ Liquid oxygen is so magnetic that, in laboratory demonstrations, a bridge of liquid oxygen may be supported against its own weight between the poles of a powerful magnet.

Wikipedia - "In lab tests using powerful Ferro/electro magnets the liquid oxygen is temporarily suspended between the magnet's poles, owing to its paramagnetic properties." ... The coincidences continue.

The Earth's powerful, dynamic electromagnetic field (EMF), attracts the paramagnetic gas Oxygen, and liquid O2 (See-Enthalpy of System- Phase Change https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ph... ). It perpetually condenses and freezes (-361f) and forms into the uniform Torus shaped Sky Ice dome, of frozen liquid Oxygen (sky blue). This reflective smooth inner surface creates the catacaustic Moon refraction of level Earth that forms (ionizing the gas), at the Krypton noble gas altitude above. Many people think the Moon is a solid celestial body, it's not. The Moon is projection of level Earth, refracting down from the frozen liquid Oxygen Sky Ice dome, viewed as a type of real time hologram at the Krypton gas altitude. 😎(... damn I'm good). The Moon's circularity is another type of optical illusion, I think it's called "gas lensing" not sure, but it's the same optical phenomena which makes all points of light appear circular at distance, like bright windows or square headlights in the rain.

💙So why Is liquid Oxygen blue ? Similarly with waters (also blue), the energetic transitions of the electrons in oxygen (which are also the cause of its Paramagnetism) absorb light on the red side of spectrum. So red light is absorbed to some extent, giving the substance its complementary color, blue. So now I (and you) know why our sky is the same color blue as frozen liquid O2 (-361 ℉). Earth's Sky Ice Dome also changes it's orientation, and slowly moves over thousands of years, it's the term called Precession but has nothing to do with any retrograde spinning of globe or planet nonsense.

/ @vibesofcosmos The Vibes of Cosmos network has everything else you need to understand our level world, besides your eyes and ears.

• Post Yes these are images of sky blue liquid O2 frozen at -361℉, and suspended in a magnetic field. (lol)

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