Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: The Case Against Vaccines

10 months ago

Several years before the whole COVID fiasco, I led a mission trip to Guatemala. One of the ladies with us mentioned at one point that she was against vaccines and would never allow her children – of which she had two at the time – to be vaccinated. Being completely ignorant then of the problems with vaccines and any of their sordid history, I essentially responded with, “Oh, okay. Huh.” Impressive – no?


I hadn’t come across anyone previously who was anti-vaxx, so I had no idea. It seemed a little crazy to me. After all, vaccines have been around a long time and generally acknowledged as being necessary. Haven’t the authorities always said that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are putting others at risk? Heck, I was vaxxed as a youngster and to my knowledge didn’t suffer any adverse effects. Some of you who regularly listen to or read my rantings may disagree, but there you are.

Aside from the COVID vaxx, which I’ll discuss a little later in this Update, there really and truly is a long and wretched history regarding vaccines; how they’ve been pushed ceaselessly by the medical profession; how they’ve shown no actual efficacy; how they’ve killed large numbers of people; and how common-sense, non-medical individuals, resisted them because they actually observed their harms.

Today, I want to review a little as to how vaccines over the years have actually been responsible for many more deaths than the affliction for which they were developed and targeted. What began many decades ago, and what we’ve seen and experienced with the COVID vaxx, are one in the same. Vaccines have always hurt more than helped, contrary to what the medical professionals and our toxic government would have you believe. But should you be surprised? Given all that our government has done against us – under the subtle control of the Communist Deep State – why would you think this aspect of our lives – our medical health – should be any different?

Perhaps when we’re done, you’ll realize it makes sense to proudly be an anti-vaxxer, even as I have become and declare it to the world. Vaccines do not help. They harm. They have been cast upon us forever, and foolish fish that we are, we’ve swallowed their lie: hook, line, and sinker.

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

Gary Ritter books & blog

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