Blizzard Lied To You - Blizzcon 2023 - World of Warcraft: The Lies Within

10 months ago

Blizzard has lied to you.

This years blizzcon was an absolute disgrace. Every time I think this company can't sink any lower they find a way. They always find a way. The bar is so unfathomably low and they still do everything in their power to disappoint me.

This video covers the retail WoW stuff.

The First Major Lie:
Three expansions by 2030!? What a load of nonsense. At the current cadence of expansions, we'd have that anyway by 2028. This means that this announcement is them buying hype and hope from the players on a false idea.
All that was promised here was "Well, it won't be significantly slower"
Furthermore, faster expansion pace doesn't mean quality content by any means.

The Second Major Lie:
Hero talents. What an absolute bucket of crap. Talents?!!? Really?!!? Talents?!?!? Instead of just expanding on the existing talent trees that you created in Dragonflight... you add a third tree!?!?
This is not new content. This is standard practice for nearly every expansion since Burning Crusade.
And the trees themselves? Look at the example icons. It's all existing icons of existing abilities and existing passives. If you are expecting any level of fun new abilities you are going to be immensely disappointed.
This is not a new feature.

The rest are not quite lies but still deceptive.

WARBANDS!!!!!! .....a character select screen? are you serious? That's literally all this is. A new character select screen alongside some quality of life things people have been wanting for a decade plus. Account wide unlocks on a variety of content are something we have needed for a long time and It's a shame that it took this long.

Earthen are whatever. a 3rd dwarf race but it's fine.
Dynamic Flying is a dragonflight feature being brought forward. (good but should have been in dragonflight)

Delves - Actual new content, good for you.

Okay here we go: good. lord. A new battle ground?!!? wonderful but it's LONG overdo.
what do we get along side it? a PROMISE of more PvP support?!? Are you NUTS BLIZZARD?! You have not earned an ounce of my trust. I'd sooner trust Bethesda to make a bug-free game.
And you take pvp off the great vault? Sure, focused gearing by purchasing gear is better for sure... but it's still nice. why not just add a fourth row to the vault? Why replace PvP?
gg pvpers. I salute you my fellow gladiators.


Oh. My. God. This cinematic made no sense at all. How is it possible that Thrall and Anduin do not know Azeroth is talking to them? They are two of the greatest heroes of azeroth and both are friends with people who DO know about the Azeroth situations.
Also, they were both present when the Jailer literally talked about it.
But let's put that aside. Velen? Wrathion? Turalyon? Why have none of these people told Anduin? They all know and have a close connection to Anduin. Absolutely nuts.
But hey, the story has long since lost all its integrity and makes no sense. It's so surface level with unearned payoffs at every turn.

Story & PvP are the reasons i played this game and the game has become a mockery of what once was.

I felt no hype for this expansion(s) announcement. Aside form Delves there is nothing unique or special about this expansion whatsoever. It's more of the same garbage we've been fed. Dragonflight was marginally better than Shadowlands... but man, only just so. And as Dragonflight has gone on, it's only gotten worse. But i've been saying it's bad from the start.

World of Warcraft: The Lies Within will be the same. A hype train that crashes and burns.

Do Better Blizzard.

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