Rhema Nov 4, 2023 ❤️ Let Me show you where Stinginess leads you... Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts

10 months ago

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Heavenly Gifts

A rich Cheapskate in the Beyond…
Let Me show you where Stinginess leads you

March 30, 1844

1. Now then, write a stern word about the dream vision of old C. H., who was visited by a poor and filthy spirit, one who used to be a rich cheapskate on Earth!

2. This spirit is quite unwell where he resides, for there is nothing but night out of himself, as he is surrounded by an expansive desert. He suffers from hunger, thirst and cold, and he is of the fundamentally erroneous opinion, that the money he possessed in this world, if it were to be spread among the poor now, would offer him relief. For that reason he was allowed to open himself to this individual (C.H.) concerning this very matter, for initially he had denied the needy all the support they had begged of him on Earth, out of an utterly effeminate respect for his foolish an filthy wife!

3. Though this is but the plan of a spirit who knows nothing of Me yet, for he considers ‘God’ to be nothing but the supreme forces of nature! However, because he has taken with him enough of a hunch and awareness from the world to remember that, by supporting the poor, one may draw favor from a possible Divine Being, such a will has awakened within him, which he now seeks to fulfill.

4. Simultaneously, however, he recognizes the infeasibility of this foolish plan, and it makes him supremely miserable. It will not be possible to help and advise him for a long time, for, on account of all this, a great anger directed towards his left behind wife begins to rise within him, and she will not give an ear to this dream, for her ears are clogged with ore! Yet woe to the wife, should she follow her husband shortly and fall into his hands in the beyond! If she remains the way she is now, she will not be protected from him.

5. So, that is the state this spirit finds himself in in the beyond! Truly, he is sorrowful and suffers greatly. But it will be a thousand times worse for the wife, if she will not sincerely turn to Me during her lifetime on Earth and distribute 2/3 of her annual income to the needy among mankind, doing so out of pure love for both Me and the poor!

6. Truly, truly, whoever possesses wealth and fortune on Earth and doesn’t share it with his poor brothers during his lifetime to refresh their hearts, instead refusing to do so until his journey on this Earth comes to and end; one such as this will be considered a cheapskate, and his legacy shall never benefit him!

7. Whoever has children on this Earth and cares only for their provision, so that, after the parents’ passing, the children may live independently as rich individuals in the world and have a good wedding; truly, truly, as many pennies as their father and mother saved up for their children by way of the already unlawful capital, just as many years will they be held in the above described night, poverty and cold in the beyond, and they will not be lifted out of it for as long as not some final descendant of their lineage will carry the beggar’s staff!

8. If said spirit would instead have been an ‘unjust steward’ towards his foolish wife during his lifetime, using the great fortune for the benefit of the poor and not for his foolish wife and children, he would now be better off. This is why he became that rich woman’s husband in the first place, that he would use her wealth for the sake of heaven. However, he had forgotten Me and worked for his wife alone! So now he seeks help in the place he used to work for! Yet he never worked for Me, for he was nothing but an adversary to Me. That is why he does not recognize Me, why he refuses to seek My help, even though I am the only One who can help him.

9. How difficult would it be for a rich man to use 2/3 of his income to give a dowry to the children of poor parents, so they too could get married and would not be relinquished to fornication by the time of their corporeal maturity and hardship? Truly, whoever could do so easily would be cultivating subordinates for heaven, which would yield a much better life harvest than if his only care in the world was for his children to become landlords and, because of that, grow up to be conceited and unruly individuals, who would never wish to be punished by My Spirit, He who ever so gently admonishes and gives life to every creature!

10. This is My advice! However, everyone may do as he wishes! It will not take long for him to behold the fruits his works will offer him in the beyond!

11. And yet, to every rich man still residing on this Earth, I say: You may try it out on yourselves, what you will reap in the beyond! Behold, if you give alms pennywise, then it will not bother you, and you do not make a big deal out of it. But if you are asked for dollars (guilders), you pay much closer attention to the beggar, and not seldom do you pout about it! And if someone were to say to you: “Friend, brother! You are rich, grant me 1000, 2000 or 6000 dollars (guilders), for I have an urgent need for that which is dispensable to you” – What kind of answer would such a cheeky beggar receive?!

12. But I say: The way you measure, the same way you yourself will be measured as well! Even if you pray: “Grant me Your Kingdom! Give Me the bread of life! etc.” – Still I will heed you the way you, as a rich man, heeded the cheeky 1000 guilder beggar! For I do believe My kingdom and bread should surely be worth more than even thousands of guilders?!

13. Thus, as long as one yet dwells upon this Earth, he may help himself with his wealth, should he use it according to My will. Once he is on the other side, in the beyond, it will not be of any use to him anymore, even if millions were donated in his name. For every single man will find his very own judgement, according to his own works, and not according to the works of others!

14. Yet it is not I who require your sacrifices, for you yourselves need them! Therefore, sacrifice, as long as you are still able to! For atop the grave there are no sacrificial altars anymore!

15. The poor are the sacrificial altars! Thereupon place abundant burnt offerings of your love, whereby you will prepare treasures for yourself in heaven!

16. So, ask no more how this deceased individual could be helped. For nobody can help him, except I alone, when the time for it has come. And far be it from you attempting to inspire compassion in Me, as if you were more compassionate than I am!

17. May everyone sweep before his own door and care for his own eye, then it will not be necessary for him to seek vain help from the people of the world. Instead, he will find such help from Me in abundance, for eternity! Amen. This says the eternally Truthful One. Amen, amen.

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