Feather Lightwork Ep. 02 How To Shift Timelines

1 year ago

Knowing how to shift timelines leads to a purposeful life journey. The practice of shifting timelines is about alignment with the path that serves the highest good, for personal and spiritual growth. On one hand, pain occurs, with a feeling of dissonance, presenting opportunities for learning or growth. On the other hand, pleasure occurs, with a feeling of resonance, presenting opportunities for simplicity or Flow. Either of these timelines fosters a higher existence—this is ascension. Shifting timelines is an art of acceptance, shaping our attitudes through compassionate neutrality, recognizing that whatever timeline we choose is aligning with the highest good when we set that intention and work in that direction.
The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor.
Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com)
Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com)
Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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