Shot dead - The movie they don't want you to see

1 year ago

Data Dumper - BS - 15-11-23.

We The Patriots USA, November 11, 2023

This is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children. Shot Dead premiered on November 9, 2023 – the one-year anniversary of 18 year-old Trista Martin’s death from the shot, in her hometown of Tulsa (Trista is featured prominently in the film).

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.

This is the first film that focuses on the deeply personal aspect of the devastation unleashed by the shot and the mandates, as told by the families who lost loved ones. This film will make you cry. This film will make you think. And this film will prompt you to take action for children everywhere.

Take Action. Join the Fight.

Beat Censorship

Share the film they don’t want anyone to see. Give these families the voice they deserve. Save future children by sharing this information.

Enact Change

Stop coercion and mandates from ever happening again. Make vaccination status discrimination illegal. Sign our petition to amend the Civil Rights Act to include health and vaccination status as a protected class.

Defend Our Rights

Join our fight in the courts to restore religious exemptions to vaccinations in states like Connecticut, where they’ve been taken away. Help them provide pro-bono representation to parents who have had their children taken from them by the state for choosing parental freedom and faith over medical tyranny and fear.

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