Red Shoe 👠 Club Part 3

10 months ago

Why the Red Shoes? Part 3

Behind the red door!!.

These murdering soulless satanic avatars want our children and who ever else they can capture. They say the soul is connected to the feet thus the red human leather shoes.

If they can inject us with fear & poison for a made up fake virus & plandemic, it’ll be easier to get Rid of the humans they don’t want messing up there operations, then control who’s left .

It’s all one big massive Satanic mosh pit of perverted evil, they glorify trannys, sodomites, child molestors, paedophiles & paedovores because living in a inverted world brings only chaos confusion, with chaos they can bring in order which in turn creates more chaos, confusion and destruction.

They are the opposite of love, they are not human beings, they are disgusting soulless demons disguised as humanoids. This is why they love technology so much, as it’s used to keep an 👁 on us.

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