March 12, 2011 🎺 Come and fly with Me... Make Me your one and only consuming Passion

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The Lord says... Come & Fly away with Me!...
Make Me your one and only consuming Passion

March 12, 2011 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words spoken to Timothy and Jayse, During an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Light, thus says The Lord of All Creation, thus says The Giver of Life and Pure Love… The God who is salvation… He who is The First and The Last, The Author of Life… He who causes to be… Do you know Me? Do you know Me, young children?! Do you remember Me?… Do you know Me?!…

Beloved, look upon Me!… Behold the face of The Lord, your God! Look upon Me! Do you see Me upon the tree?!… Behold, I am come down!

I have come down! I have broken death’s hold forever!… It is broken and put beneath My feet! And though the dead yet sleep, I cease not from beholding their place… I know where they are. They are not forgotten, they have not passed away… I know exactly where they are! Behold, I was lifted up and I am come down… I am risen up!… And all those who sleep shall also rise!

Therefore, again I ask you, do you know Me?… Do you know who I am?!… Look upon Me! Look upon the face of your Redeemer, your Life, your God!… STOP! Stop looking elsewhere!… Look upon the face of pure love! Look upon the face of LIFE without end!

Look! LOOK! LOOK upon Me! My blood pours down still… Drink of it! This is not the end! This is but the beginning!… COME TO ME! Do you thirst? Are you in need? What is it you wait for? Why are your countenances downcast?… Look upon Me!…

I am here! I have not yet departed!… This is the beginning!… This is where we begin, says The Lord.

Therefore beloved, draw very near, and grow rapidly under the shadow of My healing wings, in where I shall surely lift you up. Beloved, we shall fly away together, as you behold My face and look upon your Redeemer. As you search My heart and touch My scars, our joy shall be fulfilled, and your hunger shall be satisfied and your thirst quenched.

Therefore, now is the time to begin again in Me… To walk in Me, making Me your treasure, Your one and only consuming passion… Your First Love… Says The Lord.

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