Green Papaya and Green Mango Salad , cooking,viral, diet , weight loss

1 year ago

Green Papaya and Green Mango Salad, Savory Soy Protein Sticks and Simple Tofu , cooking,viral, diet , weight loss.
For the Savory Soy Protein Sticks, the ingredients are: Soy textured vegetable protein sticks, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of raw black or white sesame, 2 tablespoons of soy paste or stir fry sauce, 1 teaspoon of mushroom or vegetable seasoning, Maggi, Black pepper, Orange juice
For the Simple Tofu Soy, the ingredients are: 200g of tofu, Black pepper, Soy sauce or Maggi, Roasted sesame.

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