R@bbi Finke1stein is no friend to humanity (post-9/11 audio recording)

1 year ago

The things you are about to hear are shocking. The manner & delivery of Finke1stein 's conversation leaves you knowing he fully believes what he is claiming. If this was a comedy skit, you wouldn't find anything funny in it.

Essentially, the talking points he speaks of is literally the bulk 9f the missing puzzle pieces that contribute to the total corruption of human government and full control of the people . To him and his supremacists, we (the public) are cattle/property to do with as the controllers wish.

If you've ever wondered why life is a rough rat race of scarcity and poverty, by listening to this audio recording a few times you'll get the notion that this life of ours is fully setup, sculpted, organized for us not to have abundance of anny fashion easily. We willingly live in a system doing things according to our lifelong programming and grooming.

We've never been told this to allow us a honest choice.

My biggest caution to YOU is to not use this against your fellow man. Our controlling enemy has setup all parts of our society where man sees difference between others (be it religious, race, employment, etc), declares that as bad before starting to hate them. We need to recognize our commonalities so that we can built bridges & strengthen ties with each other. Spotting the negatives only takes you in the direction away from others. Commonalities are things we can celebrate together.

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