The Antichrist – Who and What is the Antichrist? – Psychic Liz Cross

1 year ago

The antichrist is a collective group of very dark entities. They are Anti-god or Anti-Source. Souls are recruited here on Earth and their souls are taken to the Dark Side to help the dark fight the battle between Light and Dark. People are easily hijacked by the evil ones here on Earth. Money, Power, Control and Fame can influence people to join the dark side.

These dark entities invade consciousness, they contaminate it with negative dark energy.

It is a collective dark energy, and it is most present in the abuse of children, torture, trafficking and enslavement.

What is Antichrist? It is Dark Energy. It is spread out far and wide. So, we all have the ability to be dark. There is light, gray and dark. Everything is not just black and white. There is energy that has the potential to be light and dark.

What can people do to protect themselves from Antichrist Energy? Follow the Light. This can mean many things to many different people. You can see a negative event as an opportunity to go to the light and others can see that as an opportunity to go to the dark. It is our choice, our decision to make off of our personal discernment.

Darkness often masquerades to be light. We have to be vigilant of this. We have to use our intuition about this. It is easy to get sucked in to the dark when the dark presents something as benefiting the people. Don’t ever dismiss your gut instincts.

The effects of what is happening today – Ukraine and Israel wars may not be seen until 100 years later. In the USA we don’t have a clue what is going on in the world because our news is pure propaganda.

Source: Liz Cross --

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