BOMBSHELL: Congressional report outlines structure of ‘censorship industrial complex’

1 year ago

James O'Keefe | BOMBSHELL: Congressional report outlines structure of ‘censorship industrial complex’

The House Judiciary Committee released a damning report a week ago proving what we have known all along: that government forces sought to silence and deplatform voices on the right during the 2020 election and beyond, including yours truly.

You’ll remember back when I was with Project Veritas that I SUED the Election Integrity Project in Washington State, at Stanford and the University of Washington. However, a judge moved to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that the statements about Veritas are not actionable because they are not factual statements, because they are not capable of being proven true, and because the academic researcher’s statements “lack precision.”

The district court concluded that readers of Stanford and the University of Washington’s academic analysis would have expected to encounter analysis that reflected the authors’ “subjective biases,” including “mischaracterizations and exaggerations,” and thus the specific statements that Project Veritas took issue with were not actionable for defamation because they were not “capable of verification or refutation by means of objective proof.”

In the judge’s order dismissing our lawsuit, he notes the statement that our video had been “debunked” is incapable of being proven true or false."

“A reasonable inference to be drawn from the complaint," Thomas S Zilly, US District Judge ,concluded, "is that readers of the EIP blog post would have had some awareness of the allegedly left-leaning biases of the authors."

The most chilling part is, the government has no plans to stop this unconstitutional “Election Integrity Partnership” censoring program. Expect to see more of the same into the new year, when the election really gets underway.

#censorship #misinformation #disinformation #firstamendment

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