Spying by 3 letter agencies, happening in 1970's, verified by the "Heist of 1971".

11 months ago

One night in 1971, files were stolen from an F.B.I. office near Philadelphia. They proved that the bureau was spying on thousands of Americans. The case was unsolved, until 2014, and not by the FBI (they closed the case).
Release Date: 2014
As Snowden and other whistleblowers, the government 3 letter agencies, have not stopped. They still spy on Americans. They just use other methods, in their attempts not to get caught. Does this, that happened in the 1970's sound familiar, how the FBI and CIA spy on their own citizens, using excuses to cover up their illegal acts? How many laws created, have made it easier for them to spy, on everyday people? Make your voice heard, they are after all rights.

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