In March 2003: Israel murdered American human rights activist Rachel Corrie...

1 year ago

In March of 2003, Israel murdered American human rights activist Rachel Corrie by running her over with a bulldozer as she protested the destruction of Palestinian homes in Gaza.. A Jewish judge absolved Israel of any wrongdoing, saying the IDF bulldozer 'didn’t see' Rachel despite her bright neon jacket and other activists screaming. He even reversed over her, but it was ruled another 'accident'.. Just like the USS Liberty.. It came during the 2nd intifada which allowed Israel to say their bulldozer was part of a combat operation meaning no one had any human rights except Jews, not even American peace activists because they are gentiles.. In 2012 an Israeli court agreed that no homes were being destroyed on the day Rachel was killed the IDF said its bulldozers were only clearing vegetation and explosives.. The home she died in front of remained intact and wasn’t demolished until 2004, but because she was a White gentile, she had no agency and the US government couldn’t care less about her.. The Corries never saw a dime..

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