What Will Define 2024? A War Over The Future of Money and America! | Lance Wallnau

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What Will Define 2024? A War Over The Future of Money and America!

In this episode, Lance sounds the alarm on troubling signs in the economy, from regional bank failures to disruptions in the mortgage industry. He brings on guest Phillip Patrick of Birch Gold to get an unfiltered look at what's happening beneath the surface. Phillip doesn't sugarcoat things, warning that a perfect storm is brewing and that people need to take action to protect themselves before it's too late. This no-holds-barred discussion will open some eyes and make you reconsider your financial strategies.

Podcast Episode 1193: What Will Define 2024? A War Over The Future of Money and America! | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at lancewallnau.com/podcast

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