My Doctor Walked In The Room & Immediately Said, “Holy shit, you look amazing—what did you do?

1 year ago

My Doctor Walked In The Room & Immediately Said, “Holy shit, you look amazing—what did you do?

Repost from @pathofthehummingbird

Today, I went to see my doctor for the first time since starting the @medicalmedium protocol

She walked in the room and immediately said “holy shit, you look amazing – what did you do?”

I openly shared my journey and her response was “I’m so freakin’ proud of you for not giving up”.

The last time I saw her, we had exhausted everything in the system and she told me there was nothing more SHE could do.

That didn’t mean there was nothing more that could be done… Today, we spoke about the limitations of western medicine and she shared her struggles in treating patients like me because of the tools she has been given.

It’s so important to remember that a majority of doctors want to help, but sometimes they just don’t have the tools they need to do so.

I’m forever thankful for @medicalmedium giving me the tools I needed to treat myself so that I could break free from the system & heal.

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