Lumbar Spine Q&R (Timestamps Below)

10 months ago

00:00:17- How did you end up helping Barbara and her sideways torso? (This question is referring to the X-rays shown in the THT video of Barbara who dropped out of care and 7 years later came back after getting a surgical fusion.)
00:04:24 - Damage to T11 spine. If, this is the case what are your recommendations? I don't know much about the medical, but I did gain much spiritual understanding throughout the Lumbar Spine True Health Tuesday Video.
00:08:06 - Severe Degeneration of L3, L4 & L5, Thinning of intervertebral discs, Thoracic spine is also degenerate with possible arthritic fusion at T10/T11, Acute intense nerve pain during flexion positions such as the Yoga Child’s Pose, Right leg and sometimes left leg go numb when sleeping on back, Tingling sensation in both legs when active, Can’t sit comfortably and my spine feels very unstable.
00:17:25 - Fractured T12 in a helicopter accident in 2019, Feels a lump of bone around L1/L2, Recently suffered debilitating knee pain and now severe pain in both feet when walking, I work on fishing boats and I am a helicopter pilot but can’t work with all this pain.
00:24:12 - For over 6 years I've had sciatica on my posterior left thigh, a burning, pinching type of pain. It only does it when sitting or lying on my left side. What could that be? No one has been able to help me with this.

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