Who was "The Other Lee Harvey Oswald" Robert Webster?

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In the latest episode of America's Untold Stories with Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert, we embark on a gripping journey into the life of Robert Webster and his mysterious link to Lee Harvey Oswald. This thought-provoking exploration delves deep into the labyrinth of connections that might just unravel one of American history's most debated events - the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Who exactly was Robert Webster, and how did his path cross with that of Oswald? Our investigation goes beyond the surface, revealing Webster as more than just a peripheral figure in this historical saga. We unravel the complex web of their interactions, shedding light on aspects of Webster's life that have remained obscured for decades.

Through extensive research and a critical examination of historical records, we delve into the intricacies of the Webster-Oswald relationship. Could this connection provide new insights into the JFK assassination? Was Webster an unwitting participant, or was his role in this historical tapestry more significant than previously understood?

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#AmericasUntoldStories #EricHunley #MarkGroubert #RobertWebster #LeeHarveyOswald #JFKAssassination #HistoryMysteries #ConspiracyTheory #HiddenTruths #HistoricalInvestigation

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