All the Yikes: Will Smith Is Trending… & You Don't Want To Know Why (Ok, You Might But Still, Yikes)

1 year ago

Will Smith is trending on Twitter/X. It's not because people are talking about him slapping Chris Rock, it's not about Jada (not really anyway) ... full disclosure, we have no idea what to make out of any of this insanity. In fact, we got nothin'. Nope. Not a dang thing. This is NOT our story, this is NOT our footage but since Smith is trending, here we are.

Note, this is definitely NSFW and pretty darn graphic so you might want to consider headphones/earbuds if in public. Will Smith's best friend and former assistant, Brother Bilaal, says he walked in on Duane Martin having sexual relations with Will Smith. -- Meep. All the meep. So much meep.

While we can neither confirm nor deny that this is true, we can confirm this is trending and there are people on both sides of this issue, those who say, 'Duh, we knew that already,' and those saying, 'No way, this can't be true.' Either way, we are just over here meeping to our heart's content. -- Duane Martin & Will Smith (for easy reference)

So he was standing there watching… -- We also have questions but we're not sure we really want the answers to said questions … just saying.

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