People's Populist Press vs Randbot [Twisted Mind]

10 months ago

After Warski visits PPP and Surfer they do a show and invite PPP on. A multi hour cacophony ensues, broken up by brief discernable speech such as Ethan Ralph threatening to kill PPP with a knife. Whenever Rand is confronted with reality they and their cappos (Yes, I too was shocked that there were people on this Earth who degraded themselves to such a position) yelled incoherently in "funny voices".
Later on Randbot comes back, intoxicated beyond their mind, and brings on their child to the show. PPP comes back and gives a reality check to Kyler and Warski that they shouldn't be having children on their show.
Andy and Kyler then watch IP2 clips of Casey taking fake drugs (Casey thought they were real), and got the whole IP2 crew in trouble with the local drug dealers. After that they watch clips of Loulz getting gifted random stuff by a shoplifter.
Beyond that Randbot continues being incredibly obnoxious and not letting others get a word in without immense struggle, and show is boring.

Original upload date: 11th July 2021 (No idea how correct this is)

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