Darkcel Forever | Episode #6: Black-Pillers Should Stay Clear of Blue-Pillers as Friends

1 year ago

As the title of this episode suggests, "Black-Pillers Should Stay Clear of Blue-Pillers as Friends" - yes, I stand by it. Am I projecting? Of course, but how else would I understand this knowledge if I didn't experience it myself? Dealing with the normie crowd and the pretend "introverts / doomers" over the years, I've come to realize, it's better to silence all these people out of your life and go it solo. Isolation and loneliness? Sure, what else? It's not that we have the option in the first place. Talking to other incels or black pillers is a matter of wanting to, availability .. but that's all online. Outside of the interwebs? It's a phucking joke.

#darkcel #incel #blackpill #episode6 #podcast #incelpodcast #darkcelpodacst #darkcelforever #inceldom #mstow #manosphere #darkpill #socializing #isolation #notgettingalongwithpeople #bluepillistrash #goingsolo #lonewolf

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