1 year ago

If someone were to tell you, "There is evil in the wind," how literally would you receive that warning? When you hear someone mention Satan's popular moniker "Prince of the Power of the Air" what do you think is meant by the word "Air"? Is it a euphemism or a figure of speech? Or is it possible that Satan might actually reside in the destructive energies of violent weather patterns, gusts of winds, tornados, or natural disasters? Can his influence be seen in todays most celebrated sky-tech, such as airplanes and other flying crafts? And why are some species of birds so heavily linked with evil?

Today's panel of experts is about to blow your mind with of this and more in our new series discussing the timely books We Are Legion by best selling-author Dr. Thomas Horn, Divided We Stand by LTC Robert Maginnis, and Prince of the Power of the Air by Jeffrey W. Mardis in the biggest giveaway of the year!

Also included in this collection is the 2-hour documentary The Secret Destiny of America Revealed from Defender Investigative Films.

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