Episode 5 Food Podcast, My Favorite Restaurant, Chef, Food News, Food Trends and more

4 years ago

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Now that we are back to 2 videos per week, I am so happy to be starting this up again so again welcome to this month in food. If you’re new to this podcast-style show, it’s just something I do once a month to sort of change things up and highlight what’s going on in the food world, favorite cookbooks, who’s the food I’m loving right now, all the good stuff.

Well obviously I moved from Chicago to Northwest Indiana, but I’m still only about 45 minutes from Chicago so really I’m kinda just in the burbs. It’s the new year and I’m doing my dangdest to eat some more greens and veggies but I am failing miserably. I have however been able to make quite a few salads, especially after all of those salad dressings I made a few videos back, so I guess it’s not too horrible. I’m also trying to figure out how I can get some solid exercise in every day, you know the typical new year’s resolution. There’s an amazing YMCA right down the street and I really want to go, but every time I drive past there are like 8 thousand cars in the parking lot, and in the current covid climate, I just can’t bring myself to do it. So maybe I’ll head down to the basement!

Current Favorite Chef

Jordi Cruz! An incredibly young and impressive chef who when he was 24, received a Michelin star which is ridiculously amazing. He’s currently the chef of ABaC in Barcelona which has 3 Michelin stars and he makes some seriously beautiful food. From the blue crab to his cured foie gras, everything looks amazing. He even has a youtube channel where he shows how to make very approachable classical Spanish food and it is all amazing, no joke. Check Him out!

Favorite Restaurant the Past Month

Obviously being in a new place we have been exploring the Northwest Corner of Indiana, and a really great restaurant here is called Provecho. It’s a Latin infusion restaurant featuring things like classic barbacoa tacos to chorizo mussels grilled with sofrito. It is absolutely delicious and as good as any restaurant I’ve been to in Chicago. If you’re over this way, this is a solid spot to check out, plus the chef Chris Pappas is a super nice guy. Check out his restaurant at http://bit.ly/3u2RyDm

Food Trends

Pop-Ups – With so many restaurants still operation at 25% to 50% capacity I think we are going to see a lot more small party size pop-ups where chefs and cooks can make fun menus for a small group of people who still want that restaurant to feel but without all the people in a restaurant. If you’ve never been to a pop-up, go to popuprestaurants.com

Comfort Food – It’s never really gone out of style but with so many people these days cooking at home, comfort food is front and center. Whether it be a specific family recipe or a huge bowl of homemade soup, comfort food is on full display.

Food News

As of last month, it is said that over 110,000 restaurants have closed permanently or long term. This just breaks my heart to hear this. One of the hardest-hit industries due to covid and I’m not sure we’ll really know the effect until the dust settles more with covid and we go to go to our favorite restaurant and it’s no longer there. I know I keep saying it, but if you’re able to support your favorite restaurants by going there every few weeks, then I definitely encourage you to do so. Here’s to hoping we can somehow get some of these spots back.

5 Books to Check Out (these are affiliate links which means I will make a few dollars on each sale)

My Shanghai – https://amzn.to/37moGMN
The Food of Oaxaca – https://amzn.to/3psu337
The Book on Pie – https://amzn.to/2LUavH6
In Bibi’s Kitchen - https://amzn.to/37jL4WO
Charcoal – https://amzn.to/37motJv

1 Show to Watch

Chef's Table BBQ - http://bit.ly/2ZlLgk3

1 Blogger to Follow

Stuck in the Kitchen - http://bit.ly/3s4e25f

1 Youtube Channel to Follow

Peaceful cuisine - http://bit.ly/3qrSaQS

1 Instagram to Follow

@jenri-Joinery - https://bit.ly/2Zof3c6

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