160 Watt Trailer Hitch Mount Work Area LED Flood Lighting System

1 year ago


The Larson Electronics WAL-THT-48.160W-LED-100 Trailer Hitch Mounted LED Flood Lighting System is a telescoping tower that allows operators to elevate the 160 watt LED light and from 6` feet to 10` feet. The WAL-THT-48.160W-LED-100 comes complete with an IP65 rated 160 watt LED light head producing 19,200 lumen flood light. This trailer hitch mounted mini light tower is equipped with two stabilization legs, 100` of 16/3 SOOW cable terminated in an industrial grade cord cap, and is universal voltage operating on 120-277V. This vehicle mounted LED light tower is ideal for use as work area illumination, event lighting, emergency operations lighting, or equipment lighting and is suitable for use on any vehicle that will accept a hitch mount.

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