Trans Series 1: How Transgenderism (a Psychological Issue) Became a Political Nightmare

1 year ago

Trans series: 1) Understanding the Lies in Transgender Theory
Just a few years ago, those who experienced gender dysphoria would have been offered counseling. As a result, around 90% grew up happy in their natal sex. And around 10% preferred to socially or medically transition to look like a member of the opposite sex.
However, around 2014, a coup occurred in this very small field of psychiatry. The lies of "born in the body of the wrong sex" and "they will all commit suicide if you don't let them transition" were created. These lies were then propagated through the media, and many people believed them. And anyone who knew the truth was attacked and threatened by online bullies.
Today, various organizations now make vast sums of money from these lies. And, through the use of social justice warriors in universities and companies, they threaten any professional who seeks to undermine their money-making enterprise by revealing the truth.
As such, these transitioning-supporting organizations form the equivalent of an international mafia cartel. If they were telling the truth, they would not need to use thugs to maintain their grip on the storyline.
However, the negative consequences of these lies are profound and can only lead to social decay. We will all become worse off if these lies aren't rectified.
In summary, only politicians can save us all from this decaying future. Only they have the power to eliminate "A natal male can be seen to be a natal female" from the lawbooks. And by refusing state funding for any organization that is trapped under the thumb of the cartel, only they can wield a bigger stick than the mafia thugs are using - thus allowing professionals to be free from the tyranny they are experiencing.

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