that stick up yer ass don't make you a better person

1 year ago

super hot cop in the last video
all jobs have to do that tho
these kids have no idea how hectic sns used to be 3-5-7 jobs
that sun is brutal, we hate bright anything
i can handle people screaming at me apparently
this old ladeh yelled at me yesterday all over some fuckin onions in her chili
i need to stop assuming that anyone mean at a restaurant is a narcissist
you dunno a person's experience so judging them so harshly isn't good for anyone
i'm not gonna mistreat people all cos i don't like them
we all compare n contrast ourselves w/ everyone
human instincts aren't convenient for those that rule over us capitalist/communist/socialist/fascist overlords
star player damnit
just ask me nicely n i might even smile
a little humility goes a long way, son
in the girl's does this shit happen LITERALLY
i did complain but i still did it
i feel the same exact way about twitter tho
shitting the worst thoughts humanly possible

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