Man is unable to handle a Little Calf (son of Buffalo)

7 years ago

It is difficult to handle even small Buffalo we should follow these technique to handle them.
Buffalo must be sorted like sheep - in a single file chute - not a wide lane.
Bison will remain calmer if each animal is brought up individually to the squeeze chute from the crowd pen. Bison waiting in the single file chute often become agitated. They will stay calmer if they remain in a crowd pen with their mates. Bring each animal up to the squeeze chute one at a time.
The squeeze chute should have solid sides as well as a solid top. A solid top will prevent bison from rearing.
If animals are held standing in a single file chute like cattle, bison must be held in a separate compartment between solid sliding gates. If possible it is better to allow the animals to remain in a group in the crowd pen instead of standing in the single file chute.

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