Everybody Loves Raymond: Space Haven Alpha 17 (Brutal Difficulty Pirate Run) [S2 EP2]

1 year ago

#spacehaven #brutal #alpha17
On to pirating and enslaving the galaxy in Space Haven! This series I've given myself some restrictions. No research outside of experimentation, my main crew can only consist of boarders and bridge officers while slaves do all of the industry and botany tasks, and we're focusing on pirate and slaver contracts. Things get spicy in the starting sector, so this is shaping up to be an interesting run!

Just the Tips: https://streamelements.com/greenbeef/tip

Crypto Tips:
BTC: 32V9Q8c7TdeQ2TgQ3DLsKxQtVzSkc57z7c
ETH: 0xbc50b1028A299Ca493D1dd7145D99F76450281da
DOGE: DLyCPw9PK9eRzNib3uVnuMiaNHocHrmn9B
Cardano: addr1v9a4ywv836jhxsrupqnrfatnl9lvg2nlhtrw8r2h2gczwasruetgz
Shiba Inu: 0x8A8EC5FB8E6c06850A4e770bB439675e52F596eB

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