10 months ago

ENHANCED and EXPANDED version of my newest short film (7.5 mins.)...
No one believed it would actually happen.

In this film not only do I warn the public about the very real aftermath of a thermo nuclear holocaust ...but at the end of the film I provide the one and only solution to prevent this extinction of all life on planet earth.

All the WARmongering maniacs in government and big biz corporations really need to be arrested and prosecuted for advocating the use of nuclear weapons; such people are truly insane and dangerous.
Observe... is it not the God-unconscious people who are the mischief-makers and criminals in this world. Darn right it is? The God-devoted righteous and holy human beings are a blessing to humanity, the spiritually ignorant majority, a curse.

You will know an individual by his words and deeds -- whether he, or she, be an illuminated child of the Light or of darkness. Those arrogant, unrepentant humans who are aiding and abetting the force of darkness are harming themselves and digging their own grave which leads to obliteration in oblivion.

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