National Free Media Summit - MEP Chrisitine Anderson 11 November 2023

1 year ago

from Christine:

“During my 6-year stay in the USA, I studied economics and worked as the managing director of a national trading company. There I was responsible for an annual turnover of 1.6 million US dollars.
After returning to Germany, I completed a law degree in Göttingen. Since the birth of my 3rd daughter in 2002, I was a mother and housewife until I was elected as a Member of the European Union Parliament, where I started my services on 02 July 2019.
I have been involved in the AfD since May 2013 because I owe it to my children to preserve a homeland for them that is worth loving and living in.

In addition to our beautiful country, our diverse, rich culture and our great history, I also include in the term "homeland" the achievements of our enlightened, humanistic and equal society, our constitutional and legal state, in particular the classic defensive rights of citizens vis-à-vis the state, freedom of opinion and freedom of assembly.
I am of the opinion that we often forget all too easily that all these things - which until recently we took for granted, but are now in the process of disintegrating - had to be fought for, sometimes bloodily, by our fathers and grandfathers.
My willingness to compromise ends where I would have to give up fundamental convictions that are non-negotiable for me. I don't want to be elected, like the old parties, for any election promises that are only made because they hope to get more votes.”

MARIA ZEEE headed a stellar cast of free media champions including Ethan Nash, Joel Jammal, Damien Richardson, Michael Gray Griffith & Bruce Paix. with special messages from English reporter Alex Thomson, Dr Mark & Dr Samantha Bailey from NZ & German whistleblower MEP Christine Anderson.

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