Episode 165: "Shut Up and then I Can Love You" - 27 August 2023

1 year ago

This episode brings two super - amazing guests! We will have some great conversations with another podcaster - Thump from Shadowmark. He is full of information and fun, along with the basis of wanting to help his brothers sisters with their struggles. It is amazing when we can have these conversations and get things rolling! Joe Allen Christi performs three of his songs live, and it is something you will not want to miss. Three songs tonight: Keep the Flag, Freedom to Me and Grandpa’s Fishing Hole. One thing we all agree on is that we need to love one another in order to make it all work, so the idea is that you need to Shut up and then I can love you!

WeP3 RADIO -- check it out!

The People’s Patriot Project exists to be the shock and awe when combating the deadly and invisible enemy that is killing our heroes. We will move forward with our boots on and ready to serve those who have served. WE are adding to the family and have A Big Announcement coming soon. WE are ready to Be a part OF, not apart FROM, and WE will conquer the world of PTSD and suicide of our service people. Remembering is not enough, and there is strength in asking for help. Our guests inspire our listeners to continue the mission they need to better themselves every day and to move forward in helping, supporting and empowering those who are still with us and remembering those who are not. Remember, no matter your role, Make It Convenient, Keep it Simple. When you find yourself in a disagreement, just remember, if you Shut up and then I can love you. If you want to help out, please get in touch with us and we will get the information to you. #communityheroes #NeverForget #beapartofandnotapartfrom #PatriotPride #StickingTruetoourMissions #ThereisStrengthinAskingforHelp

WE are all about making relationships and being the communication that others sometimes let slip by. It’s about those who served, and we are here now to serve them. If you get a chance, please check out our guests' talents on their media outlets, Facebook, Instagram and websites.

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