GoW Ep#2 - Meryl Nass, M.D.

1 year ago

Welcome back to our second episode and the start of our "Then and Now" mini-series. Through the lens of history we can remove the emotions so often associated with the last few years. In the series, we hope to accomplish exactly that by comparing yesterday's Anthrax Vaccine "Program" to today's Covid-19 "Mandates". Those who have served within the last two decades are all too familiar with the yearly anthrax shots the military is required to take. Now we bring that historical perspective to the larger CHD community and beyond with our debut guest: Dr. Meryl Nass.

Dr. Nass is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, fibromyalgia, and toxicology.

In the late 80's Dr. Nass was asked to participate in a DoD vaccine-research contract for anthrax while researching at UMass. What she discovered is that rather than prevention, the true intent of the project was to research offensive germ-warfare capabilities.

As an anthrax expert, she has a unique understanding of the commonalities between the use of the anthrax vaccines, their impact on service members, and the legal issues. Nearly 20 years later, she has watched as the same patterns emerged with the covid-19 mandates.

In this initial episode of the "Then-and Now" mini-series, Dr. Nass explains:
- her background and initial encounters with the military's use of the anthrax vaccine in the late 1990s.
- the history of the anthrax vaccine.
- DoD experimentation
- Interagency cooperation (FDA, DoD, and even allied nations).
- Her thoughts on the trajectory of this nation, specifically medical freedoms
- and a laundry list of ways to get involved and stay informed to prevent even more harm in the future

We hope you enjoy the episode just as much as we enjoyed recording it!

You can find the CHD Military Chapter website here: https://mil.childrenshealthdefense.org
The general CHD website can be found here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org

You can find the bio for Dr. Meryl Nass here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/authors/meryl-nass-md

*Note: During the episode we had some connectivity issues. We felt did they not distract from the message and this recording is posted unedited. Please leave a comment if the info was unclear.

Also if you're new to the CHD Military chapter, our first episode here: https://rumble.com/v3v59hx-gow-ep1-intro-to-the-chapter-and-our-efforts.html is a great place start if you're looking for an introduction and to understand the goals we hope to achieve.

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