New Moon in Scorpio Reading with Mani

1 year ago

Happy New Moon in Scorpio!

I was called to do a reading with Mani! The decks chosen for the reading were the Runic Tarot and the Moonology Oracle deck.

The reading confirms what was mentioned in other readings. This has been a difficult year for a lot of people, but you guys are strong. And We're proud of you.

Some of you have been dealt a devastating blow in some area of your life (possibly multiple blows) -- some part of your personal life, your career or academic projects, your spiritual life, etc. But you have already paved the way forward. Something you are working or have been working on will provide the first steps toward living the life you want to live.

Thank you for watching/reading. This is a collective reading. Take only what resonates.

Deck: Runic Tarot

Artwork on the Tarot cards by Jack Sephiroth

Moonology Oracle Cards

by Yasmin Boland

Artist: Nyx Rowan

Hail Mani!

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