The View From Here - Behind Enemy Lines - Our first-ever Video Episode!

1 year ago

This is the first time we are ever appearing on Rumble, despite the fact that we have been recording this podcast for about a year and a half - but Audio only.

This is a show that started out as conversations between two friends - older guys who grew up in an America in which Freedom of Speech was still the rule - and which I began recording because I thought that most of what we were talking about was relevant and important.

Now listeners can put faces to the voices they've been hearing since we began recording and publishing, on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify.
The audio quality is probably the best we've ever been able to achieve, and because we are on screen, we will be forced to be a little more professional (although we will still retain our natural insolent offensiveness), and thus I hope this will make for a better show from here on in.
Not that I am saying our past shows haven't been good, most of them have...but I hope that henceforth, you, our audience, will find them Great!
Of course, these video podcasts are currently only available on Spotify, and the other platforms we publish to (Apple Podcasts, for one) will still be audio only, but the quality of the sound as well as content will also be evident there...
I will seek to expand our audience by trying to upload this and future videos to Rumble.
Meanwhile...let us know what you think of this new format, and also what you think of what we say.
Remember: we are at times all over the place, because, being Unscripted, we let our minds and the conversations we engage in flow on their own, to wherever they go.
It's kind of like a Stream of Consciousness show.

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