Very Credible People Speaking Out Against Our Elections Being Stolen & They’re

1 year ago

Very Credible People Speaking Out Against Our Elections Being Stolen & They’re Threatened With Prison. Why Are The People Speaking Out Going To Jail & Not Those Stealing The Elections? This Is America?

“Represented the president and the post-election in Georgia. And I can just tell you what I've said before and they wanna put me in jail for saying this, but there are more votes that were cast and counted in Georgia that violated Georgia State law than the margin between President Trump and Joe Biden.

Now there is precedent under Georgia law. There's a statute says that you can file an election contest. And we filed an election contest on December the fourth, and we, it was a 64 page complaint. And with more than, uh, 1100 - 1400 exhibits with verified affidavits, people testifying under penalty of perjury.

I saw this, this was a violation of the law, uh, expert witnesses who reviewed publicly available documents, government records, and said these votes were cast illegally and we never got a judge appointed to hear the case. So the electors, I wasn't really, excuse me, I wasn't part of that plan. Uh, but there was a memorandum that had been preprepared.” - Senior Legal Donald Trump Past Attorney Cleta Mitchel

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