What Happened to Toby? - The Castro Files 57

1 year ago

A 16-year-old boy named Toby had several afflictions that made him different than the other kids his age. One of which was the inability to feel pain, meaning no matter what happened to Toby he would not have the same reaction as others. Along with this, Toby had some level of mental challenges more than likely stemming from an abusive father that led him to hear and see things. Was it psychosis or could Toby have actually been possessed? Did the events that occurred on the night of the fatal crash push him over the edge or was it something else? You be the judge.
#creepy #possession #Podcast #Scary

Ticci Toby Reference:
1. https://www.creepypasta.com/ticci-toby/

Beth's Instagram: @lamama07
Greg's Instagram: @greg_lamontagne

Episode Produced and Edited by:
Peter McGuire @peter_mcguire1

Check out the Instagram for all the photos from the podcast:

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