2020 Lost Marbles 72 VIRGINS

1 year ago

72 Virgins by 2020 Lost Marbles
The courage of your convictions
will convict you in the end
blown apart from limb to limb
to kill women and children

No one is innocent,
We're the Great Satan
We're all fair game                          
I wonder what your god is thinking
of the things you do in his name.  

You're gonna get your virgins
All 72 of them Coyote fugly. Chew your arm off get away from them              
All of those virgins & you're running out of arms on number 2

The cowardice of your leaders
will make it down to you in the end
hiding behind jihad
let you do their dirty work for them

In hell you'll get your virgins
Hairy weightlifting women
looking like Bin Laden
they'll kick you ass
and make you snuggle with them
You're gonna get your virgins
all 72 of them
Coyote fugly, Chew your arm off get away from them
All of those virgins
& you're running out of arms on number 2

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